Our affiliate partners are your go to resource for credible, affordable services geared to meet the needs of creators. We have either used a product or service with one of these partners and had a great experience. If interested in being a partner please contact us.

Reinhardt Designs

Counsel for Creators
Our Services Include: Business Setup, Trademark Registration, Contract Creation and Creator’s Legal Program. Counsel for Creators LLP is a next-generation law firm focused on the needs of creative businesses and individuals. Our experienced attorneys take an informed, tech-savvy approach to working with our clients on a wide range of legal matters. We are based in Los Angeles, CA.

Marketing Smarty Pants
We LOVE marketing, and we especially enjoy working with small businesses. So much so, that our pricing structure is designed to be affordable for small businesses while still yielding excellent quality. We will analyze your situation, and recommended services based on what we determine to be your greatest opportunities. We focus on content and what’s best for you. Our services Include: Social Media Marketing, Branding and Design, Websites and Consulting and Strategy.

Temper Beats
The #1 Beat Website
We’re here to provide you with everything you need in order to help you succeed as an artist. The first step to that is having access to high quality beats. Marauder Special:
Marauder Affiliate code: BEATS